Friday, November 8, 2019

Remove and Unclaim a Device in Meraki Cloud Dashboard

I needed to re-deploy a Meraki MS220-8P switch to another network or account. You'll need to remove and unclaim the device first in order to add and claim again on another account. This is a common procedure whenever doing a replacement or move the device to a different network or organization.

Here's a good link for the process of adding/removing devices in Meraki Cloud Dashboard.

To see the list of Meraki device and its serial number in your network, go to Organization > Inventory in the Meraki Cloud Dashboard.

I tried to "Unclaim" the listed device but had an error: Devices must be removed from network first.

To remove a device, in this case a Meraki MS220-8P switch, go to Switch > Monitor > Switches.

Select device (LAB-MS220-8P) > Edit > Remove from network.

Click Remove.

Go again to Organization > Inventory.

Select the device > Unclaim.